Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Grade 5

Grade 5 students are learning about the above outcome from the Program of Studies. Grade 5 students in Mrs. Calvert's class, worked with a partner to think of the definition, facts/characteristics, examples and non-examples of the above mathematical vocabulary.

They used the Frayer model to help organize their thoughts.

Each pair of students were given one of the words, and filled in their Frayer Model. Here is their work!

Upon giving students a chance to fill in their organizer, all grade 5 students reviewed the work, shared their understandings to add to the model, and looked for real life examples of the above vocabulary words. (click on the picture to enlarge)

Can you organize the following pictures based on the above student Frayer Models

Which is an example of: (click on the backpack for the definition from learnalberta.ca)

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